понедельник, 16 марта 2015 г.

Healthy mind, healthy body.

Usually we use telephone, computer, MP3 player and see TV.
If you see TV, you shoulder strain.
If you use computer, you eye strain.
If you use MP3 player, you hearing loss.
If you use telephone, you have a skin infection.

Often we ill.
You can drink tee and wake up.
Honey very tasty and in honey many vitamins.
Garlic not tasty and very useful.

Today, not every city has Superman.
French have spiderman.
He save life. he can crawl, kick, grab, kneel, grip.
In bad weather, he does not go to the street.

Often we are afraid of a lot of things.
Everyone went to the dentist, and we are afraid of him.
We fly on airplanes and too afraid.
We are afraid of injections, insects, elevators.

The evening of our body gets tired, we need sleep.
We sleep every 6 hours, every day.
There are different stages of sleep.
Before going to bed we always say goodnight.

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